Damage Waiver Form, Towing Receipts, Invoices, and Other Templates


As an owner of a towing business, it is important to have the proper documentation for your services. This includes damage waiver forms, receipts, invoices, and more. Keep reading to learn about the different types of templates you should have on hand.


Damage Waiver Forms

A damage waiver form is a document that releases a tow company from liability in case of damage to a vehicle while it is in its care. This form should be filled out by the customer and signed before the tow truck arrives. This form is critical to have as it protects you from any potential legal issues that could arise.


Damage Waiver Template 

Below is a template to show you what a typical damage waiver looks like. This template can be modified to fit your specific business needs.


Upon signing this document, I hereby waive any and all damage claims against ______________________________ arising from the towing and storage of my vehicle. I understand that ______________________________ is not responsible for any damage that may occur to my vehicle while it is in their care.


Customer Signature ______________________________

Date ______________________________


Towing Invoice

A towing invoice is a document that lists the charges for a tow job and includes other important details such as the customer’s name, address, and phone number. This invoice should be given to the customer at the completion of the tow.


Towing Invoice Template

Below is a template for a towing invoice. This can be modified to fit your specific business needs.


Invoice Number: ______________________________


Customer Name: ______________________________

Address: ______________________________

Phone Number: ______________________________


Vehicle Make: ______________________________

Model: ______________________________

Year: ______________________________

License Plate Number: ______________________________


Tow Job Details: ______________________________


Charges: ______________________________


Total Cost: $ ______________________________


Towing Receipt

A towing receipt is a document that proves that a vehicle was towed and lists the charges for the service. This receipt should be given to the customer after the vehicle has been towed. This receipt is important as it provides documentation of the service and can be used by the customer to file a claim with their insurance company.


Towing Receipt Template

Below is a template to show you what a typical towing receipt looks like. This template can be modified to fit your specific business needs.


Customer Name ______________________________

Vehicle Make/Model ______________________________

Tow Date ______________________________

Tow Location ______________________________

Tow Destination ______________________________

Charges ______________________________


Total Due ______________________________


Thank you for your business!


Repair And Service Invoice

If you include other services with your tow, then your invoice should reflect that. For example, if you also provide a jump start service, your repair and service invoice would list the charges for both services.


Repair and Service Invoice Template

Below is a template for a repair and service invoice. This can be modified to fit your specific business needs.


Invoice Number: ______________________________


Customer Name: ______________________________

Address: ______________________________

Phone Number: ______________________________


Vehicle Make: ______________________________

Model: ______________________________

Year: ______________________________

License Plate Number: ______________________________


Tow Job Details: ______________________________

Jump Start Service Details: ______________________________


Charges: ______________________________


Total Cost: $ ______________________________



These are just a few of the many different templates that a towing company needs to properly document its business. By having these templates on hand, you can be sure that your business is running smoothly and efficiently.